Sunday was the Super Bowl and the Pittsburgh Steelers were playing the Arizona Cardinals for the World Championship. Mr. Bruises and I stayed home and watched the game. I am the fan in the house. I was wearing my Polamalu shirt and my Terrible Towel was in my hand. I can't watch football in public, I am too violent and I swear entirely too much. Even more than a typical day.
All week, I was predicting that it would be a close game, but that the Steelers would be victorious. Little did I know how correct I would be. That was probably the most gut wrenching, make me want to puke, game I've ever seen.
With two minutes and thirty some seconds left, when Arizona's Fitzgerald scored the touchdown that put them into the lead for the first time this was the conversation:
Mr. B - "It's over, they lost"
Fonda B - "There's
still two and a half minutes, plenty of time for a touchdown"
Mr. Bruises learned a lot about football that night. He also learned that Steeler Fans NEVER GIVE UP. Those last few seconds, I was hyperventilating into my Terrible Towel chanting "Please, Please, Please, No, No, No, Yes, Yes, YES!!!!!!"
My Steelers were victorious! Naturally, Pittsburgh planned a big celebratory parade and I knew I wanted to be there. I drug Pinky Donchadare-O with me and we had a blast. After parking the car, we proceeded to walk the parade route, looking for the perfect place to view the parade.
As we were coming down the Blvd of the Allies, we came upon this parking garage that was totally filled with fans. The crowd would erupt with cheers and jeers as they tossed stuffed footballs from below to the top. We decided that we wanted to join the fun, so we found a spot, on the side on the next to top floor.
Congratulations Pittsburgh on your SIXTH Super Bowl win. Steeler Fans adore you!
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