This past Saturday, I joined 33 other people, including children to walk as part of the group "Burgh Moms and Dads" in the March of Dimes, Walk for Life. This group was put together by Burgh Baby and we were walking in memory of a beautiful little girl named Maddie. Our group raised over $5200 and in a very short time.
I had my camera with me, however, I had to steal the group photo from my new friend Gina. I took lots of pictures, but I took them of the large number of dogs that were walking. Sorry, dogs just catch my attention. Hey, dogs love babies too!This was the first dog that caught my eye. This dog was clearly loving the shirt that he was wearing with pride.
This was the second dog, obviously still a puppy. He was just trotting along, sniffing everything, just happy to be out and about!
And very well-dressed, accessorized dogs.
Here's another favorite. This little guy was at the perfect level to get plenty of pats from the multiple children riding in wagons and strollers. I am certain that they shared some of their goldfish crackers with him as well.
Finally, this is my favorite photo of the day. This cutie was taking a water break. All for a good cause.
I hope that Maddie's family can take a little bit of comfort in knowing and seeing that so many people, who have never met them, have been so touched by their little angel. I know I have.
What a cute and adorable pet. To show love to your pet why not join and register at PETtell, it's a free social network for pet owners. You'll gonna luv it :D
Thank you again for all of your help! You are the bestest. Truly.
Thank goodness you didn't get a photo of the puppy Gina and I were lusting over. It made me want a puppy again, and we all know how badly that goes in my house.
I'm cracking up because I was going to say too bad you didn't get a photo of that 9-week old boxer puppy, but Burgh Baby beat me to it!
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