I got up at the buttcrack of dawn, to get ready and packed for the trek into Pittsburgh for the St. Patrick's Day Parade yesterday. Last year, I didn't make the parade, since I was to meet my team in the Southside and couldn't get there due to all the street closings. After being yelled at by every single police officer in Pittsburgh, I went home. I was sad.
This year, I prepared ahead of time. I planned to meet at Pinky D's house in Lawrenceville and take the bus. I've never ridden a public bus in Pittsburgh. Again, I was scared. Scared that I wouldn't be able to find the bus home to get to my car to get home. We lucked out and Pinky's man gave us a ride to the parade, we just had to ride the bus home.This was mad fun!! While waiting for our time to step off, we mingled. We met the Pittsburgh Passion girls. I've been dying to get to a game and they were nice enough to give me a schedule. We mingled with the Shriner's clowns, who took lots of photos of us!
We also met some unique characters, like the Banana and the Gorilla, who were part of the Terrible Trailer!
We brought Stanley's Leg with us. It was a beautiful moment when the Turkey Leg and Stanley's Leg met. I could almost hear the bow-chicka-bow-bow music.
Finally it was time for us to step off. You know when you park in the upper lot of the Mellon Arena? Well, we had to skate down that hill. Holy Bejesus! It's a hill, add potholes, manholes, stones, cobblestones, llama poo, horse poo and the dreaded candy and you've got yourself a dangerous combination. At one point, a butterscotch candy nearly ended my life. I didn't fall, but I can really close! Thank goodness for the few walkers that held my hand and helped me through some tough spots. Thanks Pinky, Unsafe Tex and Buck Hughes!
All in all the crowd was awesome, so much green.
Of course, you had to have your hecklers. This was the crew that promised to give us beads if we "Showed a taco". Seriously, they yelled that.
Well Pinky got beads just for looking cute!
McShovin' was getting the lovin'. I heard no less that THREE marriage proposals!
There were supposed to be a lot of locals at the parade, however, I only heard someone yell my name once! It was Rose Valasek from Ford City, who was at the parade with her husband.
This was so much fun! I can't wait to do it again. I think we may skate in the Pride Parade and I am really looking forward to that one.
Pinky made sure I got on the right bus, so I made it home safe and sound and I didn't get yelled at by any police officers this year.
I Used to Keep a Blog Here...
5 years ago
you can see my forehead in the crowd pic @ the boulevard of the allies, hahah. as soon as I saw the leg rolling down the street, i tried to look for you, but could barely see... i hope you had a good time!
The parade was awesome and so was the crowd! The leg got lots of attention!
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