Who would think that the same year that The Steelers win the Super Bowl and I get to go to the victory parade, that The Penguins would win The Stanley Cup and I would attend another victory parade in the same year! WHOO HOO for Pittsburgh sports, now how about those Buccos??
BFF Jill, Natalie, Tammy and I headed to the 'Burgh bright and early on Monday morning for the parade. We staked out a good spot before the crowds stared to arrive and we settled in for about four hours of defending our spaces.
I can't tell you how many douchebags we had to kick out of our space. One lady asked if a six year old could sit on BFF Jill's lap. Several just pushed up to the fence and kicked my cooler out of the way. I smiled at them, told them to move and offered them second row. They left. The biggest douche of the day was one who pushed his two kids through four rows of people right in front of me while he followed. I politely told him that this was NOT going to work. He then said to me that he has been a Penguins fan since he was six. I politely told him then he should have arrived at 8 and claimed a spot like I did. He then said he was going to find some "cool" people to hang out with. Good luck with that one Douchebag!

Congratulations, Pittsburgh, you have incredible sports teams and Pittsburgh fans are like no others. Too bad Wheaties ignored the Penguin's underdog win, and instead honored The Lakers on their cereal boxes.
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