I am feeling so much better. I guess sometimes, you don't realize how crappy you are feeling until you start feeling good again. I am happy to say, I have felt great for over a week now. I think my medication is helping, although the happy pills shouldn't kick in for another week or so.
I've made a lot a changes in my life. I've tried to eliminate a lot of stress. Hiring our Director of Sanity, aka our assistant, has helped tremendously. I actually hired her before all these heart issues were found. I also hired a kick ass cleaning lady for the salon. It's amazing to not have that extra work hanging over my head. I was never able to leave the salon for the weekend without it being spotless. Now, I am able to just walk out of the door knowing when I come back it will be clean. It's awesome!
I have also, slowly, removed caffeine from my life. As a coffee and Coke addict, I thought this would be harder. I told myself that I would have one cup of coffee a day and one Coke a day and then slowly cut down to none. I haven't had coffee since I got back from Florida and surprisingly, I don't miss it. I guess when you wake up feeling good you don't need the coffee to pick you up.
I'm starting to get out more and be more active, which I didn't realize how much I missed. I am trying to not work on the computer so much. When you own a business, you pretty much have to work it every day to be successful. I am trying to find balance in that area.
I got Tootie out for a ride on Sunday and it was awesome. I miss riding that scooter. Mr. Bruises and I bought kayaks and took them out for the first time last evening. It was so peaceful on Crooked Creek.
I still have to reschedule my surgery, I am hoping for the end of July, due to our salon schedules. I also am still waiting to hear when my sleep study is. I can tell, though, I am sleeping so much better now and I think it's been making a world of difference.
For everything else, I am adopting The Honey Badger's motto for it. Honey Badger is a badass and doesn't give a shit!!!
I Used to Keep a Blog Here...
5 years ago
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