On New Year's Eve, a friend, that lives in Lancaster, PA, went to an Amish farm with her father to sell the farmer horse feed. In the barn, she found a 10 week old Golden Retriever puppy in a guinea pig cage. She was horrified.
The farmer, of course, wanted to sell the puppy. She left and posted on a forum that we all frequent, asking what she should do? We all suggested that she find out how much the puppy is and get some information on how he aquired the puppy and it's history.
Turns out, the puppy was born on the farm. He was in a litter of nine and the only survivor. It seems as though his mother couldn't produce enough milk. It is pretty much assumed that they allowed the other eight pups to starve to death.
We all imediately told her that we would send money and for her to get the puppy out of there. We would then work on finding it a home. During this time, Nick and I talked about adopting him. We've been taking about getting another dog for some time now and I've always wanted to do a rescue.
Nick and I decided to adopt the pup if Pam could foster him until we got back from vacation and could get him. We immediately sent the rest of the money to pay for the entire amount of the pup. We wanted the donated money to be used for a future rescue.We then needed to decide on a name so that Pam could work with him until we got him. We named him Travis Patton Kibuk! Travis is for our favorite motocross freestyle rider Travis Pastranna and Patton for Pam, his angel, since that is her last name.
I Used to Keep a Blog Here...
5 years ago
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