Despite a valiant effort by The Hellions, The Bitch Doctors won on Saturday, securing their spot in the Championship in September. The Hellions season, is officially over.
The Bitch Doctors deserved the win. They played much better as a team. They worked together the entire night.
I think the reason that The Bitch Doctors are so successful comes down to one thing. They like each other. They are friends, they respect each other and they just stick together. I envy that.
Congrats to the rookies who played their first bout. McShovin', Fraulein Funbags, Red Alert and Uma Hurt'em all rocked it for the Hellions. J-Bomb and Whip Smart rounded it out for The Bitch Doctors.
Sounds like there are a lot of changes in the future for our league. I'm not sure where that will take me, but I am looking forward to change.
Photo courtesy of Cameosteph
I Used to Keep a Blog Here...
5 years ago
1 comment:
Fonda I agree with you that the B Doctors worked better as a team than we did...however they have been working together longer as a team with the same people than we have. I think people feel to realize that we were a new team this season. We had people that had never worked together before coming together this season as Hellions. We then added two newbies in January and four more in June! We had you and Maida working this season with people you had never worked with before Formalda and Kinky! It takes a little while to gel as a team, and we are just beginning that process. I say we did really well for a new team...and just look out for us next season. We worked hard and will continue to do so...and I am happy that you are part of the Hellions! Love you, Sugar
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