On February 2, 2002, Rudy came home with me. It was Super Bowl Sunday. One of my clients was adopting the baby that her son's class guinea pig had. He was black with wild looking hair, she named him Bush. I joked that I would get one and name him Rudy. Both Bush and Rudy were in the news a lot at that time after
the September 11th tragedy. I did end up getting a guinea pig, but I got a girl and named her Rudy. We joked how funny it would be if George Bush and Rudy Giuliani had babies together.
Guinea pigs have a lifespan of five years. Rudy has been with us six years and nearly nine months. She's almost 7.
She developed a large tumor months ago. There is nothing that can be done. We were instructed to keep her happy and make sure she isn't in pain.Please say a little prayer for Rudy today. We are taking her today to peacefully send her across the Rainbow Bridge. She was the best little piggy and will be missed.
I Used to Keep a Blog Here...
5 years ago
Awww--about Rudy. Hugs!!!!
Rudy, we love you!
Sorry to hear about Rudy - I have guinea pigs of my own and kno how hard it is to lose one. While they do have such short lifespans, they do leave a big impact on our lives!
(p.s. I found you from Burgh Baby's comments section)
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