We were in Vegas Saturday until yesterday for the Suzuki convention. It always amazes me the amount of women that travel in heels. I mean stilettos. My feet swell and ache with just flip flops on. Why would you torture your feet like that. Everyone knows that you walk miles when traveling.
We arrived in Vegas, and went to pick up the rental car. The chick at the counter told Mr. Bruises that he was getting a brand new car and he could “break it in”. We walked up to the car and it doesn’t look all that brand new. Get in, turn on the ignition. Gee, I guess brand new cars come standard with 15,000 miles on then nowadays.

Mr. Bruises and I have a tradition that as soon as we leave the airport, we hit In-N-Out Burger. The burgers there rock and we don’t have them back home.
We then headed to the Rio. Mr. Bruises thought we would be smart and use valet parking, only to have to sit and wait about 10 minutes for them to clear a spot for our car. We seriously could have parked our own car and walked to check in faster.
The gal at the check in was really nice. She teased Mr. Bruises that he had to come to Vegas to work. She then made sure I was all taken care of with a pool pass and a spa discount so that I would have things to do while he was “working”.
Mr. Bruises asked if they had any rooms with king sized beds. They did, but they were smoking, so we opted for the room with two doubles. She promised to get us a good view. Walking to the room, Mr. Bruises commented out loud if the good view was going to be like the brand new car.

As we rounded the corner to head down the hall, we realized our room was at the very end. Sitting, near our door, in the hallway was a girl on a chair with a tote bag. As we passed, we saw that she had a Rio tag. She was there all night. Mr. Bruises went out gambling after I retired and he said that at 3 am, there was a guy sitting there. I assumed that they were paid chaperones, but it turns out that they were doing constructions on most of the rooms around us and they were security. Mr. Bruises does a good imitation of the first guard that we saw.

On Sunday, we went to Red Rock Canyon. Can you say beautiful! That is exactly what this area was.

Monday was spent in the best way possible. It involved the pool, a book and a pina colada. Every day should be like this.
Tuesday, I spent the day with my BFF Lynn, who lives in Vegas. We went out for breakfast and then did a little shopping. She then took me to her salon and did an awesome new set of Rockstar toes on me.

Lynn just got extensions taken out of her hair and she was scheduled to get her hair trimmed at the salon that day too. I got to meet her co-worker Michael. I was pleased to inform Mr. Bruises that Michael drives a Mini Cooper! My theory has been proven yet once again!
AAHhhh.. I miss Lynn. Glad you had fun. Can't wait to go next year!! U going to the game tomorrow or Scarehouse?
I will be at the game to hand out the gift certificates after the queen is crowned!!!
Working Scarehouse on Saturday, which is SOLD OUT!
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