Today marks the start of BUSY! Riley and Kallie both go to the vet today. Riley is still in bed, pouting, hoping that he really doesn't have to go. When the time to leave does come, he will be all excited to go. Goldens really are cheerleaders you know! Gimme a V! Gimme an E! Gimme a T! What's that spell, Vet! I am going to the Vet!
Tomorrow, Riley and Travis get groomed. They LOVE to be groomed. Again, not normal dog behavior, but totally normal for Goldens! I have to get them there at the butt crack of 8:30, so that I can head into the salon to work around noon. Yes, I know it's Tuesday! I don't work on Tuesday, but I have to this week! I am working Tuesday and Wednesday this week and then heading to Florida!
We will be on Sanibel Island for a few days, with Donna and George, then we will be heading to Orlando so that Mr. Bruises can be at Disney for his birthday. I guess it is Adult, American, Gay and Lesbian Day at Disney on December 16, because that is when I said I would go back to Disney. See, I get tired of all the foreigners, who don't know the meaning of a line and are just plain rude, I get tired of all the screaming, bratty kids, (I like kids, just not the ones with little to no parenting that run rampant in Disney). I figure if I I add of all of the people who don't like gays and lesbians and put them with the foreigners and bratty kids and don't allow them in the park, I got myself a Super Duper Disney Day! While at Disney, I am going to suggest Adult, American, Gay and Lesbian Day, which will from now on, be referred to as AAGaLD!
We fly home on the 17th and I arrive at the salon, straight from the airport to work on Snowball (local high school's Christmas dance) nails. See, when I planned this, I was still under the assumption that the Snowball was going to be in January, like it has been for the past two years. So now, I have to come home immediately and work non-stop until the dance. BOOOOO!
Then the weekend comes and we have the Salon luncheon. Monday I am working and having the Cookie Swap at the salon. I just realized that I am working during the swap. Crap! I guess BFF Jill is in charge. Then it's work Tuesday (I know! Another Tuesday WTF?) Work Wednesday. Christmas Eve, I won't be working, but I will be at the salon from Noon until 3 for the Penis Parade, which is the annual parade of penises though the door doing their Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve, purchasing gift certificates.
Then. I get to relax and enjoy the holidays. I will need some liquor by then. Happy December!
I Used to Keep a Blog Here...
5 years ago
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